Why should you be a minimalist and adopt minimalist drawing management? Let’s face it: people like stuff. I like stuff, you like stuff. Stuff is great! And doesn’t minimalism mean getting rid of all your stuff? Well, not exactly. As much as people love having stuff, not all of our stuff is useful to keep around. At a certain point, too much stuff just adds to our stress and clutter. There’s a reason for the phrase, “if you haven’t used it in a year, get rid of it.”
A minimalist lifestyle is one where you find freedom by reducing the amount of unnecessary clutter in your life. It doesn’t mean disavowing all of your material possessions, but simplifying your lifestyle by removing the messes that you may be holding on to out of sheer force of habit.
You can even optimize your facility by adopting minimalist practices. One of the best places to start is with your drawing management! Minimalism may be the right choice if you’re feeling overwhelmed with drawing clutter, if you’re looking for fewer distractions, or if you’re looking to cut back on spending.
We’re the Drawing Specialists, and we’re here to help you implement the ideal Drawing Management Strategy for your facility. That can start with adopting minimalism into your facility!
Here are 4 ways to adopt minimalist Drawing Management in your facility:
1. Recognize that Paper is a Problem
We get it. It’s hard to let go. But all that paper isn’t doing you or your facility any favours. First of all, storage space isn’t cheap! Depending on your storage situation, you could have high monthly fees like rent, printing costs, security, and regular maintenance. These are fees that could be avoided if only you didn’t have all this pesky paper on hand. Plus, paper drawings also hinder your team’s productivity!
Paper documents don’t come with a simple, painless way of maintaining version control. This can lead to team members or contractors accidentally working off of outdated plans! Even if they don’t end up using outdated plans, it may take countless hours to find the latest version of the drawing your team needs. This is time that would be more effectively spent elsewhere, like doing the jobs you actually hired your team members for!
Paper drawings just aren’t efficient, and the stress they cause can take a toll on your team’s morale and productivity. It’s time to go the minimalist route.
2. Declutter by Losing the Paper and Going Digital
So, you’ve decided to get rid of your paper mess and go for a minimalist approach. Great! But where exactly do you start?
Well, the Drawing Specialists are here to help! With our hands-on drawing service, we do the dirty work so you don’t have to. We will audit all of your hard copy drawings for you, ensuring you don’t have duplicates and obsolete ones on hand, and then upload them into echo, our drawing management software.
Your team will thank you for taking the minimalist approach and removing the stress of dealing with piles of paper documents from their lives. Plus, now that they can find drawings in seconds, your team will have freed up the time to work on the tasks you actually need them to do, instead of searching for drawings for hours.
3. Bring Out Your Drawings’ Potential by Implementing baseline
What could be better than having version-controlled, digital drawings that your team can find in seconds? Well, what if we could take the minimalist approach even further by providing your team with omni-disciplinary, layered Operational Master Drawings. These would allow your team members to view any disciplinary aspect of your facility, all in one drawing.
Our baseline Master CAD Plan service offers exactly that! By implementing baseline, you will have gone from having a messy drawing room full of paper clutter, to having a handful of digital, omni-disciplinary drawings that cover every aspect of your facility and can be found in seconds.
You will experience smaller and faster drawing management with the streamlined minimalism offer by baseline.
4. Equip Your Team with Minimalist Tools for Success
With your baseline Master CAD Drawings successfully in echo, and your paper drawing mess decluttered, all that’s left is to equip your team with these minimalist tools to aid their productivity.
With baseline drawings, you will have compressed years of your facility’s history into one set of master plans with all the disciplinary details needed to maintain your facility. Your team will be able to find all the critical data hidden between the walls in seconds, whether its architectural, mechanical, or electrical data. Plus, you will be armed with built-in processes to keep your drawings updated into the future and beyond!
Get Your Drawing Mess Under Control
Don’t hesitate with getting your drawing mess under control. Now is the time to start implementing minimalist drawing management and getting rid of unnecessary, stress-inducing clutter. Our team of certified Drawing Specialists has years of experience, and is ready to help set you up with a custom-tailored Drawing Management Strategy.
Book a discovery call today to learn more about how DCM can support your facility’s unique needs.