Why Digitizing Your Engineering Drawings is Essential for your Facility

Digitizing your engineering drawings is essential for operating your facility both safely and efficiently. It also means that you and your employees will have access to your engineering drawings and critical building information from anywhere and in an instant!

Having instant access to your facility’s drawings is invaluable in many situations. These include general day-to-day maintenance, the planning stages for an upcoming renovation, or even in an emergency where every second counts. That’s why it’s important to have the strongest storage and accessibility solution for your drawings.

Let’s talk about why digitizing your engineering drawings is essential.

Shared, Physical Engineering Drawing Storage Locations Are No Longer Viable

Many facilities still fall back on storing hard copy drawings in a distant archives room. They rely on a few key team members to have the relevant knowledge memorized. While this might be a workable strategy in the short term, this “out of sight, out of mind” approach sets up many potential issues for the future.

A shared, physical location is no longer a viable option for drawing storage. A physical location doesn’t account for the challenges that come with employees working remotely, retiring, or otherwise leaving their position. Therefore, digitizing your facility drawings is a necessity. Having your engineering drawings digitized also adds another level of insurance, efficiency, and safety to your facility management team.

Hard Copy Drawings are Only Worth the Paper They Are Printed On

Your facility’s engineering drawings contain vital information, but paper drawings will deteriorate over time. They are vulnerable to being lost, ripped, folded, crumpled, and having liquids spilled on them. These drawings may be stored for countless years in rolls, boxes, hanging racks, and drawers.

This becomes especially problematic as these drawings are often used to find detailed information such as specific dimensions or equipment codes. Drawings stored in an archive room are also susceptible to accidents that can happen in a building, such as fires and floods! An entire drawings archive room can be damaged beyond repair if even a fire sprinkler goes off.

Digitizing your engineering drawings means they will always be safe, in top quality, and backed up in a secure location. It means your engineering drawings means the critical building information they contain is always protected.

Digitizing Your Engineering Drawings Saves Time Finding the Right Drawings

The smooth functioning of facilities is essential. For example, hospitals are advanced facilities that are continuously being renovated to both accommodate growing communities and provide state of the art care. Continuous renovations in a facility make management increasingly more difficult as facilities gain a mix of both new systems and old.

Depending on the age of the facility, this can translate into hundreds of projects over many years. These projects may be spread across all disciplines: ventilation systems, lighting efficiency projects, and more. Each new project means new sets of drawings are added to the ever-expanding archives room. These drawings contain critical information and often need to be referenced for the planning of new projects, repairs, replacement work, and even general maintenance.

Thus, finding the right drawing in a physical archives room becomes an ordeal itself. This can add countless hours to a project and hinder the overall efficiency of your maintenance department.

It can also lead to communication issues, especially between staff on opposite shifts. For example, the night staff may need to call the daytime manager because they know a particular piece of information or where to find a particular drawing. This only becomes more complicated when you factor in staff working from home, or key knowledge-keeping staff who have retired.

Digitizing your engineering drawings allows staff to access the drawings instantly and information they need. It also makes it easy for facility managers to share the building knowledge they have with the next generation coming into their field.

Digitized Engineering Drawings Provide Safety and Peace of Mind

In the event of an emergency, digitized engineering drawings can potentially be life saving. It means your staff have instant access to fire safety, security, and emergency exit plans. Every second counts during a crisis such as a gas leak. Being able to quickly and easily find the shut off locations and zone information can save lives.

Emergency power distribution and panel information can be critical as well. Catastrophic events such as a burst pipe can threaten the safety of those in the building and cause thousands of dollars of damage for every minute it takes to find the shut off.

In hospitals, such events have caused a lot of damage and caused entire departments to shut down. This puts the patients receiving care in those areas in danger. With digitized and up-to-date plans, staff can find these locations using the drawings accessible on their phones, drastically improving their emergency response time.

DCM Inc. Can Help With Digitizing Your Engineering Drawings

In a world where instant access to information is commonplace, don’t let your facility fall behind the curve. Providing facility management staff with instant access to the information they need is essential for the safe and efficient functioning of facilities.

Our team would be happy to discuss how we can best serve your facility’s needs. Book a discovery call today for more information about echo from DCM Inc.

Change Drivers: Adoption of Digital Government in the United States of America

The adoption of digital government in the United States of America has happened because smart technology and cloud storage is becoming easier to implement. The adoption of digital government allows governments to serve their citizens better. Previously, we discussed change drivers encouraging the Government of Canada to transition toward a more digital government. This time, we are going to focus on several states within the United States of America.

The US-based Center for Digital Government conducts a Digital States Survey every even-numbered year. This survey evaluates the digital technology practices of each state. States are awarded letter grades ranging from C to A, with A being the best possible grade. In 2020, Georgia and Utah were among the highest-graded states. These states already had a strong digital infrastructure in place when the Covid-19 pandemic began. As a result, they could smoothly adapt to the challenges the pandemic posed.

Why are States Adopting Digital Government?

As the leading Drawing Management Company, we at DCM Inc. understand the benefits of going digital. We also know a thing or two about taking old and outdated facility drawing messes to convert them into an organized digital database in echo, our drawing management software. More and more businesses in the private sector are choosing to lose the paper and go digital. As this happens, world governments are realizing there are a lot of change drivers pushing this trend. We covered Canada’s plan to shift to digital government in Change Drivers: Factors Driving a Shift Towards Digital Government in Canada.

To summarize, these change drivers are:

  1. More people have Internet access today than ever before.
  2. Clients are used to reliable and responsive digital services from the private sector, like online banking and online shopping.
  3. Different services being able to share data with each other can create a smooth experience for clients.
  4. Workplaces are becoming increasingly digital, improving workflow for employees.
  5. Technology is still evolving in ways that will continue to affect the market into the future.

These change drivers aren’t unique to just Canada. Let’s look at how different states in the USA are adopting digital government in response to these change drivers:

Investment in the Cloud Allows for Utility, Versatility, and Scalability in Digital Governments

Engineer using a cloud device to access documents at work.

Investing in the cloud helped state governments adapt to a post-pandemic world. In Arizona, cloud investment prepared the state for its employees’ transition to remote work. Cloud-based tools allowed for remote collaboration and virtual meetings. Arizona’s Statewide Cloud First program reached $40 million in cloud spending. Arizona Chief Information Officer J. R. Sloan said, “The single largest transformational initiative for the past few years has been in relation to our cloud-first initiative and cloud migration.”

In Arizona, 75 out of 90 identified data center facilities were closed. They were consolidated in a single facility in the city of Phoenix. This allowed for any operations and workloads to be moved to the cloud. Cloud technology also allowed Arizona’s unemployment insurance to handle volumes of 2 million applicants in the wake of the pandemic, much more than the previous 15,000 applicants.

Rhode Island has also moved towards becoming a more cloud-based government. They have adopted cloud-based infrastructure for the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training, unemployment systems, some health and human services, and much of the state’s data. Utah has had a cloud strategy in place since 2009 and coordinates with Amazon Web Services and Google as part of their cloud migration strategy.

Digital Government Can Provide Better Citizen-Centric Services 

State governments have been leveraging the cloud to bring better citizen-centric services to their citizens. Utah streamlined nearly a thousand different apps and services into a single platform called UtahID. As a result, there was a smoother client experience for the state’s citizens. Georgia also launched digital service GovHub in 2019. This was part of an effort to streamline multiple digital services into a single service platform while improving security.

Americans want services and programs that provide the best, client-centred experience. They want responsive digital services designed to cater to users’ needs. By leveraging cloud technology and going digital, state governments can provide their citizens with services like these.

Digitally-Enabled Workplaces Elevate State Governments

States can use digital government to improve productivity and efficiency in the workplace. Arizona stopped using around thirty different email systems. Moving to G Suite provided for a common email, calendar, and collaborative digital space. This move to a single cloud-based collaboration platform saved the state about $750,000 by getting rid of duplicate collaborative tools for its employees.

In late 2018, Utah launched a telework initiative involving over 130 state employees working from home. This happened a year and a half before the pandemic began. The state saw productivity gains and other benefits. This led to investments in remote work that prepared the state workforce for its eventual 70% shift to remote work in March 2020.

Digital Governments Must Protect Data Privacy and Security

At DCM Inc., we know that data privacy is important to our clients. Likewise, state governments know they need to protect the data privacy of their citizens.

Arizona state has increased cybersecurity funding by 150%. Rhode Island invested in a cybersecurity model that prioritized multiple stakeholders, including the National Guard, FBI, and private sector companies. In May 2019, Rhode Island state launched the USA’s first ever statewide cybercrime hotline. In 2018, Georgia launched its first cybercrime unit, the Georgia Cyber Center. It was an investment of over $100 million in partnership with private sector companies.

At DCM Inc. We Understand the Value of Going Digital

State governments around America are going digital and embracing cloud technology. At DCM Inc. we are proud to provide our clients with a one-stop, all-in-one solution for facility drawing management with echo, our acclaimed engineering drawing management software. We work tirelessly to create the ideal drawing management strategy for our clients in America, Canada, and beyond. Our team would be happy to discuss how we could best serve your facility’s needs. Book a discovery call today for more information about echo from DCM Inc.

Prioritizing Mental Health in the Workplace

By now, we should all know that mental health is just as important as physical health. Being that today is “National Silence the Shame Day”, what better occasion to emphasize the importance of looking after your mental health in the workplace? After all, for most of us, our workplace is where we spend the majority of our time. Those struggling with mental illness know better than anyone that it cannot be “turned off” in the name of productivity. The best course of action is to adapt healthy habits and maintain a work-life balance that makes taking care of yourself a priority.

Silence the Shame Day was created in order to encourage conversations surrounding mental health, and also to aid in destigmatizing mental illness. All over the world, people suffer in silence with their mental illnesses due to harmful stigmas attached to being diagnosed. This is devastating as mental illnesses are treatable, and often recovery is possible!

At DCM, we know our success comes directly as a result of the efforts of our exemplary team members. Because of this, we have put measures in place to help maintain that crucial work-life balance. An example of this is that we have implemented a “Be Well” program with the help of Wellness Consultant, Rochelle Pickering.

Rochelle will regularly meet with our team members to discuss integrating wellness into work culture. We also receive monthly newsletters from Rochelle with tips on keeping our mental health in check that can easily be integrated into our team member’s daily schedules. Some of these tips include picking workout outfits that make you feel good as a means of motivating yourself to exercise, planning your alone time to ensure you don’t lose out on it (time alone dedicated to self-care is so vital to your mental health!), creating mantras, and setting budgets for things like gift giving to avoid the anxieties attached to spending money.

Any step that can be made towards a positive, healthy work environment is worthwhile. If we, as a society, really hope to Silence the Shame surrounding mental illnesses, we must create an accommodating environment where those within in do not feel like they need to keep their struggles to themselves. At DCM, our team is so important to us. We will remain committed to maintaining a positive work environment with the resources workers need not only to survive, but to thrive.

If you are interested in creating a wellness program for your workplace, reach out to Rochelle here!


Looking for employment that prioritizes mental health in the workplace?

At, DCM Inc., we are always looking for driven, humble and passionate team members! https://staging.drawingspecialists.com/careers/

Change Drivers: Factors Driving a Shift Towards Digital Government in Canada

Rapid advances in technology over the past thirty years are driving a shift towards digital government in Canada. Facility managers in the private sector don’t want to spend hours searching through messy piles of drawings. Neither do facility managers in public service.

As the drawing specialists, we at DCM Inc. have seen the positive impact embracing cloud storage has for companies. We know that cloud technology has the potential to greatly improve digital government services for Canadians as well.

The Government of Canada recognizes this, and has put a Digital Operations Strategic Plan (DOSP) in place. The plan aims to work towards creating a more effective digital government to serve Canadians. The Government of Canada’s original DOSP lays the groundwork for a planned shift towards digital government. The 2021-2024 DOSP provides an update to the original plan.

The updated plan accounts for the rapid shift towards digital services that was required in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. But while the unplanned pandemic accelerated the Government of Canada’s adoption of digital services, many change-driving factors were already pushing Canada towards digital government.

Why Is The Government of Canada Going Digital? 

As the leading Drawing Management Company, we at DCM Inc. understand the benefits of going digital. We also know a thing or two about taking old and outdated facility drawing messes to convert them into an organized digital database in echo. Let’s start by taking a look at the change drivers encouraging the Government of Canada to adopt digital technologies:

The Divide Between People With Internet Access is Fading

A diverse group of Canadians using personal handheld devices to access the Internet to show that the digital divide is fading.

Over the past decade, an increasing number of Canadians have made Internet usage a part of their daily lives. There used to be a large gap between Internet usage by lower income and middle-to-upper income households. Now, the rate of Internet usage is now within just a few percentage points regardless of average household income.

The fact is that Internet access has become a regular feature in the majority of Canadian households. Internet usage by Canadians of all ages has risen significantly in recent years. Today, most Canadians use the Internet either frequently or daily. Smartphones and computers have become a standard part of society, which has enabled instant connectivity between people and information.

Canadians Expect and Deserve Digital Services at Their Fingertips

The fading digital divide has enabled private sector services to be better, faster, and more responsive to clients. Canadians can use their smartphone to order a package, hail an Uber, or do online banking. As a result, they naturally expect that government services should be just as convenient to access.

Citizens typically want more digital government services, but are discouraged by difficulties in accessing services. Canadians want services and programs that provide the best, client-centered experience for them. Responsive digital services designed to cater to users’ needs are what Canadians expect and deserve.

The Growth of Data Enables Powerful Services for Canadians

With increased computing power and decreased costs of data storage, there is more data than ever before. Service providers can use this data to bring higher quality services to their users. For example, the United Kingdom uses data from employment records to remove the need for most income tax submissions. There is potential to leverage data in similar ways to provide services that make Canadians’ lives easier and more convenient.

However, data management can be a big hurdle to overcome: 59% of public service leaders and 56% of private sector leaders say that managing data is a major challenge. By forming a business relationship with DCM Inc., data management is taken off the shoulders of facility staff and taken care of by our team of software experts and advanced data management algorithms.

Workplaces are Evolving to be Digitally Enabled

The Drawing Specialists - Man using Echo DMS on Desktop PC

Workers who have access to convenient digital services in their personal lives naturally expect their workplaces to be digitally enabled as well. It is jarring for Canadians to have their digital family photos automatically organized by facial recognition by Google, while using a 60-year-old filing cabinet to manage physical drawings and documents at work.

This creates a frustrating juxtaposition for employees. They can see the missed potential for technology to improve their workflow and help them excel at their careers.

The Government of Canada is beginning to build a workplace where many employees can step away from their desk. Digital collaboration spaces allow them to work with colleagues from other departments or even other regions.

Working together with DCM Inc. will even further facilitate interdepartmental mobility, by giving government-employed facility managers and their teams access to drawings from anywhere in or out of the field or office.

The Rapid Evolution of Technology

Technology is still rapidly changing in ways that will continue to affect the market well into the future. New technologies and business models are changing the ways private and public sectors operate. Advanced technologies are also becoming more cost-effective to adopt. This means more people will be able to take advantage of the benefits they offer.

By transitioning into a digital government, the Government of Canada is ensuring it will be able to continue to provide excellent services and programs to Canadians as technology continues to evolve into the future.

A Vision for a Digital Government in Canada

The Government of Canada describes a vision for digital government that aligns with values we share at DCM Inc. The Government of Canada envisions a service-oriented government with a user-centred approach that ensures the needs of the people they are serving are the primary focus.

Likewise, DCM Inc. understands that each of our clients have their own specific needs. We take a user-centred approach in ensuring our services meet and exceed the expectations of each of our clients.

The Government of Canada envisions providing digital services that are available anytime and anywhere, and on any device. At DCM Inc., we are committed to make echo, our leading engineering drawing management software, accessible and hassle-free for all our clients’ users.

A digital government will be efficient, cost-effective, and convenient for Canadians using government services. DCM Inc. can help make the transition from traditional hard copy documentation to digital information structures smooth and painless.

How DCM Inc. Can Support a Transition to a Digital Government in Canada

DCM echo - a man using a laptop at an outdoor construction site to access drawings from cloud storage.
Blueprint Architect Career Structure Construction Concept

The Government of Canada has a strategy for transitioning to a more digital government. Two main aspects stand out for where DCM Inc. would be ideal for helping to enable this strategy: modernizing legacy IT systems and implementing enterprise.

Modernizing Legacy IT Systems

In order to deliver better digital services, the Government of Canada is modernizing its outdated IT infrastructure systems. Shared Services Canada is closing legacy data centres and switching to a Cloud Adoption Strategy. The strategy will require government departments to partner with external cloud storage service providers to store, manage, and process data whenever possible.

At DCM Inc., we’re no strangers to the benefits of cloud-based storage. As the leading drawing management company, we aim to provide facility managers with a complete suite of features that will take their existing paper and digital drawings, and seamlessly integrate them into echo, our cutting-edge drawing management software. DCM Inc. meets and exceeds the criteria the Government of Canada is looking for in Software as a Service provider

Implementing Enterprise

The Government of Canada is looking to make its operations more effective and efficient, to lower costs, and to reduce the duplication of effort. With DCM Inc. and echo, the path to the most efficient drawing management strategy is easy to achieve!

With echo, public servants will have access to an accessible, modern, and secure suite of tools that enables productivity and collaboration. Our specialized software is ideal for the Government of Canada’s facility drawing management needs.

Facility management data will be easily shareable between relevant individuals and departments across government. And, this is all at a vastly cheaper cost than drawing management being done in-house.

A Rich History Working With Canadian Health Care Facilities and a Bright Future Working with Canadian Government Services

We are the Drawing Specialists. Since our inception in 2004, we have worked closely with Canadian health care facilities and hospitals to create drawing management strategies that improve the services they provide.

We look forward to future opportunities to build on this rich history towards a bright future for Canadians across the nation, expanding our relationship with Canadian public services. Our team would be happy to discuss how we could best serve the Government of Canada’s needs.

Book a discovery call today for more information about echo from DCM Inc.

Paper to AutoCAD Conversion Services With DCM Inc.

What is Unique About DCM’s Conversion Services? 

Our years of experience, exclusively unique systems and processes that combine automation with hands-on digitization to convert engineering drawings to AutoCAD. As well, the 8-point QA/Quality Control process we’ve created leaves nothing to chance and provides clients with CAD drawings that are accurate and ready for immediate use to your specifications.

Plus, each one of our clients work with a skilled CAD Account Manager who will support you throughout your project. DCM clients receive top-quality CAD conversions at a 1/3 of the cost from their traditional in-house cost.

With paper to AutoCAD conversion services we simplify your workload with a seamless and convenient process. Keep reading for your quickstep Conversion Service process.

How Do You Get Started With DCM’s Conversion Services? 

Here is your Quickstart Guide:

Get in Touch

Firstly, you need to connect with our DCM Inc. CAD Account Manager and share all relevant details via email, phone or complete our online order form. [Contact DCM click here.]

Send source files or samples; hard copies, prints, scans, PDF, JPEG, TIFF files in just about any format. Good or poor quality drawings, via email, FTP or courier services. 

Get Approval

A CAD Account Manager will review all specifications and provide a quote and timeline for the overall project. 

Cost: Pricing will vary depending on size, discipline, density, and clarity of the source files. Our standard pricing includes basic AIA layering standards applied. However, we can follow any standard requests according to your specific requirements. 

Timeline: Typically we would like 1-3 business days to get things rolling, and then we would deliver as they are completed at a rate of 2-5 files daily; however we are flexible to work within your needs and priority.

Paper to AutoCAD

The DCM team proceeds to convert all source drawings into digital CAD files.

Production: No magic software performs an accurate or complete conversion that we have developed, or that is available on the market. Instead, DCM has developed a series of both automation and manual processes to re-draw the source drawings to AutoCAD. [see production process below].

Quality Control: This is where DCM Inc. likes to stand out; we take pride in the quality and live by the vision that “you’ll never regret buying quality.” Drawings are analyzed by a team of Quality Assurance experts, using both manual and automated quality check techniques. This is systematically done twice by two separate groups.


Your CAD Account Manager approves and delivers your project for your review/approval. Deliverable will be a fully editable AutoCAD file with printable Layouts.


Once 100% satisfaction has been met, project payment is collected or as predetermined terms. Payment can be made via Debit, Credit Card, Cheque, PayPal or Money Transfer.

Why trust DCM to deliver quality conversion?

DCM has built a reputation of high-quality conversion service with hundreds of engineer firms across North America for over a decade. Processing thousands of drawings that reflect quality standards, engineering drawings they can trust for accuracy and completeness. Setting us apart and has provided us with this repeat client base by helping them reduce their redraw time and cost by 70%. We process approximately 8,000 drawings per year for our clients that range from Utilities, Power Generation, Designers, Architects, Engineers, Healthcare and Draftspersons.  This quality and value have been the cornerstone of our repeat clients trust placed in DCM.

“I would like to thank you for your efforts in providing paper-to-cad conversion service. The astute service and accuracy of the drawings were exemplary. I encourage all project managers to utilize your services to scan drawing into AutoCAD for improving their bottom line.”

Sr. Project Manager

Stantec Consulting Ltd.

Conversion Production 


Here is a brief explanation of our typical processes to convert a drawing into AutoCAD.  We trust this will give you the confidence that you will receive a quality conversion from DCM Inc. everytime.

Source File Preparation

We scan in source drawing (if required). Next step, we optimize the image by improving the quality of the source by addressing any crookedness, speckling (unwanted pixels) and blurriness. This done by both manual and automated process.

Run Image Through Proprietary Software

This provides a partial AutoCAD conversion.

Manual Work

This step is where we begin by overlaying the source drawing to manually redraw. Which entails confirming correct software translation and redrawing as required.

CAD Principles

Next up, we manually apply all CAD principles to the drawing, such as ensuring the entities are represented as intended in the source document.

We also manually apply all specifications and standards such as AIA or customer specific requirements or standards and layers.


The drawings now enter the final stages – DCM Inc.’s unique 8 point process; consisting of both manual and automated process. This is systematically done twice by two separate teams.

Authorization Check

The drawing is now handed over to your Production Manager who gives final review and then releases the drawing to CAD Account Manager for delivery.


DCM Inc.’s Conversion Services are sure to give a boost to your production with services tailored to meet your individual and specific needs. As you can see, our processes have some automation and manual components, which enables us to deliver high-quality drawings with value pricing.

Your peers call DCM Inc. “The Drawing Specialists”; give us a chance to show you. Here’s why!

fist bumps

Clean up your paper mess and get digital files with DCM’s Conversion Services. Or our Baseline Services layer all engineer drawings into one working document.

In a few swipes, our echo Drawing Management System finds what you need at top speed! Echo, created by DCM, loved by organized customers.

Facilities Management & CAD

Facilities Managers have a wide-array of duties & concerns, ranging from day-to-day operations to planning for building use space upgrades and general maintanence.  According to a study by the International Facilities Management Association (IFMA), one tool that is prevalent and used by over half of all Facilities Departments is CAD.  The IFMA study also found that CAD use increased as the space managed by the department increased.

CAD for Renovation & Space Planning

CAD is an essential tool for Facilities Departments in both renovation and space planning activities.  The process starts with technical drawings of the current building or space, ideally in terms of building structure, infrastructure/systems and furniture/floorspace layout.  Through digital modification of various CAD drawings, current master CAD plans can be readily modified into new design proposals & options.  Via 2D drawings, (and potentially 3D visualizations), Facilities Managers, Project Managers and project stakeholders are able visualize changes and perform what-if scenarios on various configuration options, making edits and taking measurements as needed.  Ultimately, with clear project scope and concepts in the minds of the key internal stakeholders, the RFP process for getting construction companies to bid on the decided vision will be much more streamlined and cost efficient for the organization to procure.

You Design. We Redraw. You Save.

To start the planning & conceptual process, you’ll need a digital plans in terms of flexible CAD drawings. At DCM Inc. our redraw solution helps your project stay on time and budget by outsourcing the tedious redraw process, allowing you to focus your talents on the new design drawing. We are able to simplify your workload with a seamless and convenient process that ends in high-quality ready to use drawings.

Is your Facilities Department still relying on paper drawings?  Is it time to upgrade? Then please visit The Drawing Specialists to learn more on how we can help!

Mobilize your Technical Workforce

The workplace of today goes well beyond the four cubicle walls and 9 to 5 hours.  The workforce of today is adapting to work where and when needed.  Work is performed in the field at remote or client sites, during impromptu meetings, from home and away on the road.
With the echo drawing management system from DCM Inc, your technical drawings and documents are always accessible to follow your mobile workforce where and when these resources are needed most.

The echo system is delivered as an Internet-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) application.  The echo drawing management system is fully mobile and accessible anywhere an Internet connection (wired, wireless or cellular-based), is available.  Whether your company provides end-user mobile devices, (such as laptops, tablets or smartphones), or has adopted a bring your own device (BYOD) mobility model, the echo system is ubiquitously available on any device as it only requires a standard web or mobile browser.

Using a secure and encrypted Internet connection, your entire repository of technical drawings and documents is available to your employees via the newly redesigned and seamless echo web-interface.   Handy personalized features such as recently viewed documents, marked favorites and automatic suggestions allow for quick access to common documents.  Touch-screen controls such as a simple swipe allow users to cycle through a set of drawing thumbnails.  Touch to click in order to make the drawing’s title block, revision information all visible.  Again, simply touch the thumbnail preview image to view the entire drawing in full screen, which allowing zooming and panning around the drawing as needed.  There is no need to download the entire drawing file or any special software required to simply view the drawing on any mobile device.

Using the efficient & powerful echo search feature, the exact drawing can be located in seconds.  Detailed document search criteria often includes client name, project number, location, wing, floor and discipline.

Mobile Drawing Access

An echo-based mobile drawing access solution will  empower your technical workforce with valuable information where and when needed.  There are numerous specific vocational use cases that demonstrate the benefit of a drawing management system across all levels of the enterprise and industries.

  • Building maintenance & facilities workers access the correct building schematics & equipment manuals.
  • Construction & renovation builders, and skilled trades accessing the latest architectural, building systems, services & as-built drawings.
  • Equipment & mechanical service technicians accessing manuals, equipment assembly and service documents.
  • Engineers & project managers accessing the latest design & engineering documents.
  • Executives, Management & Sales access the latest client proposal project documents and drawings.

Contact DCM Inc today to find out more about the echo Drawing Management System can do for your business.